Friday, June 4, 2021

Resident Evil Village and Stuff

 So far I am enjoying Resident Evil Village, but I can't say that it is a 10/10 game. It's pretty fun, has some spooky moments, but there are some stuff that I found off putting (so far). On the roof, you encounter these flying enemies, but they tend to clip through and be stuck under the floor for some reason. You could hit them but their stuff will be unobtainable. There has also been a prompt to 'push enemies back' but when pressed, it would just be the same old guarding animation. There are some things in cutscenes I question, but I wonder if they will be answered by the end, or if it is a case of 'video game logic but canon.'

Like my last post, I'm still streaming Guild Wars 2 on the weekends, but I might change it up, with either older games or games that I have recorded in the past but never completed (either in terms of achievements or just in general). The second option could be a motivator to get through my massive Steam collection, while the first one would just be going through my old games backlog. Either way, I'll have to think about it. Guild Wars 2 seems to be the most comfortable for now, but I do want to expand. Still thinking of doing a Sonic thing where I go through all of the Sonics, but I don't know how well that will turn out, DMCA and all.

For now, it is just Resident Evil Village on my Youtube (and my daily puzzle solution) and the occasional interesting game here or there. I do have a video I want to make in the future though regarding some of the mobile stuff I have seen lately.

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