Saturday, March 16, 2019

Ordered a racing rig!

Well, I ordered a racing rig. Now I have to make room in my room so I can fit that thing in here before it arrives.

Should be fine though. The only problem is that I intend on making a new PC for it, but that probably won't happen for a month to a few months due to saving up and whatnot..

Not to mention a convention in April.. That might take some monies away lol.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

New upload schedule and whatnot

I've been trying out a new upload schedule, where I upload the Friday the 13th videos every day as usual, but my other videos are every other day. So far it seems to be working. I don't have to be super rushed into creating stuff over the weekend, and it gives me time to do other things as well. Only downside is the long series that I do that might get stretched out longer than usual.