Saturday, January 9, 2021

What a week to start the year

 2021 has started and there's so much going at the time of this post, and not just with my channel, but the country. However, I don't really want to go into the subject of politics and the country here or on my channel, since that's not what they are about.

Including today, I have posted a let's play video every day so far since the start of the year. This is pretty big to me since my normal schedule had been a video every other day (not counting the Friday the 13th Killer Puzzle daily guide). I have no idea how long I can keep this up, and I think for now, I plan on only doing the daily videos until I finish Black Mesa. After that, I'll see how my free time looks.

I've been mainly getting a lot of videos recorded since I have been so engrossed in the Xen world in Black Mesa, that I just want to keep on playing, but I do have limited hard drive space, and the recordings aren't small in size. Also the backup would be pretty big if they were going to be uploaded every other day. I also want to pepper in other games so it's not just Black Mesa every day, so there's that.

A strong way for me to start 2021. Like I said, no idea on how long the daily uploads will be, but for now it is what it is.

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